Easily the best graduation gift a girl could get!
Who knew assigned seats could lead to something so beautiful?
When Anu and Omesh met at a graduate program in 2015, they were side by side as seat mates for the entire semester. When Anu left to pursue a different career, the two kept in touch and started dating.

As time went on, and the two furthered their education, Omesh knew graduation couldn’t come any sooner! An innocent picnic in Milwaukee led Omesh to surprising Anu with a beautiful ring and a heartfelt moment that will last forever. Easily the best graduation gift a girl could get! Class is out, but these two will remain side by side forever more!

Congratulations to our newest Devam couple — Thank you for letting us share this moment with you. We wish you both all the luck and happiness in the world in this new chapter of your love and your careers.
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